Tracy Lukehart
1st place winner in color photo in art show, Timothy Griffin shows his prize-winning piece.
Timothy Griffin, a Solano Community College student, was the first place winner in color photo, as well as winner for one of the Jurors’ Choice Awards at the 47th Annual Juried Art Show. His winning piece is a "provocative" arrangement of nude body parts with grids separating male and female.
Marc Pandone, one of the three Jurors and 19 year-SCC-art professor, reasoned that Griffins piece was “provocative” after the awards were decided.
In a critique, Ron Zak, SCC photography teacher, agreed with Pandone, saying that “The provocation is what is being expressed by the hands, body—in a way that Tim has put these elements together—to make a statement about the actual flow of body, moving in space. So if you start to look at it, don’t get caught up in the body politic. If you look at its shapes and forms moving throughout these grids and variance of how these bodies move throughout these grids, you see something of an abstraction. Zak says that’s what makes it delightful. The approaching of different points of view makes [it intriguing].”
Arguing against controversy of the winning piece Pandone said, “…if it is controversial, it may be because of the perception of people that they bring to the viewing—what they think is right or wrong versus being open-minded to the possibilities of art and its creative forces.”
Griffin comments that, “While the piece was being hung in the 1800A building, the photography building, one person said that they will not be signing up for photo classes anymore if they had to be subjected to “this kind of artwork”, and that doesn’t offend me at all. “That’s amazing!” are the words that came out when I heard about this. It intrigues me and I want to know how my piece helped create these emotions, but it’s not about shock, it’s about discovering how we communicate with artwork and seeing if anybody is as weird as I am.”
To further the thought, Griffin said, “The piece is basically an idea, albeit a surreal and encoded one, you can look at it and try to understand it and impose your own beliefs onto it and discover how it fits into your personal code of morals.”
Courtney Mccuteheon, SCC photography major, said, “I think it’s a beautiful piece, because it’s the morphing of female and male, the yin and the yang. I really enjoy it.”
Nearly one-third of all pieces at the show were done by SCC students. The students who have won awards include: Timothy Griffin, Raymond Hermit, Christine Golez, Maya WindDancer, Rob Josephson, Joni Anderson, and Laura Napier—among others. The combined sale price of all SCC students work is estimated to be $2500, or more.
The 47th Annual Juried Art Show is located at the Fairfield Center for Creative Arts 1035 Texas Street Fairfield, California 94533. Griffin’s piece as well as other SCC student’s are on display there. Show dates range from Jan. 21- Mar. 27—12 noon to 3 p.m.
The categories include: Jurors’ Choice Awards, black & white photo, ceramic sculpture, ceramic vessels, collage, color photo, computer art/ digital painting, drawing/pastel, fiber art/textiles, jewelry/ glass/mosaic, mixed media, oil/acrylic, printmaking, sculpture/assemblage and watercolor.
Irman Arcibal, one of the three Jurors and former SCC student, got his master’s degree in fine arts from U.C. Davis. Joyce Gordon, another Juror, is a gallery owner in Oakland. And Marc Pandone is a landscape artist.
SCC students, as well as other artists demonstrated unique artistic expression through their mediums at the show.
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