Chelsea Handler has a sex tape too, but no one really seemed to care.
David Boreanaz, star of "Bones," released a statement admitting his philandering ways. He and his wife, Jamie Bergman, were married in 2001. He has had a previous affair with Rachel Uchitel, one of Tiger Wood's skanks. Apparently, the unnamed mistress was trying to blackmail Boreanaz for money to keep mum about the affair.
Remember that unknown country singer who was supposed to come out? Everyone got in wrong. Chely Wright came out to "People" magazine this week. She's making the media rounds, promoting her memoir and new album. Again, who?
Kim Kardashian is receiving death threats over Justin Bieber, of all things. A picture of the two at the White House Correspondent's dinner was tweeted, and Bieber said she was his girlfriend in the caption. So naturally, Bieber fever struck the tweens of the world and they deemed it necessary to all tweet death threats to Kardashian. Can we send Twitter death threats?
In the People-Who-Deserve-Their-Ass-Kicked Item of the week, Rush Limbaugh has gone on air to claim that the Gulf oil spill will do our beaches some good! Finally, someone is speaking the truth. He says that since the oil will make the beaches nasty to the point where people won't use them, that they will just fix themselves. And he should know, he owns beachfront property on Florida's Atlantic coast, where he'll be hit harder than the Gulf coast. I thought he exiled himself to Costa Rica?
ZOMG, Matt Damon guest starred on "30 Rock" this past week, and rumor has it that he'll be Liz Lemon's dream man. I will cry from sheer joy if he turns out to be her Astronaut Mike Dexter.
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